The Sunday Sanctuary With Ellen Yin

A weekly series that profiles the most fabulous, hard-working, 24/7 hustlers, and how they spend their Sundays.

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Ellen Yin is the founder of Cubicle to CEO, an online membership teaching entrepreneurs who offer client services how to make their first $10K month - without a large audience or posting every day. She has been featured on the TODAY show with Hoda & Jenna and in publications like Authority Magazine, The Penny Hoarder, LA Style, HerMoney, and Disrupt Magazine. Ellen has served over 4,000 entrepreneurs (and still growing daily) through her online courses + services, with a diverse clientele ranging from startups to multi-million dollar brands and Fortune 500 executives. Ellen is also the host of the award-winning Cubicle to CEO Podcast, which peaked in the Top 50 Entrepreneurship Podcasts in the United States and has been downloaded in over 100 countries worldwide.

Q: What time do you wake up or does the alarm go off?

A: I don't set an alarm on Sundays! I'm a night owl, so I like to slowly wake up and let myself stay in bed a little longer. Some Sundays I'm up by 8 am, other weeks it's after 10 am.

Q: What is your morning routine (specifically the first 15)
A: Do snuggles count as part of a morning routine? In all seriousness, a wise friend told me that morning routines are most effective when you listen to your body and do what feels right for you on that given day. Generally, on Sundays, I'll stay in my PJs, make myself a cup of coffee, and start my morning with some reading. I am obsessed with consuming business + personal development books (I try to go through one a week). I feel like Sunday mornings are a nice time to catch up on the reading that I don't always have time for during the week and just sit with my thoughts. That alone time can bring to life some of my best inspiration and gets me excited for the week ahead.

Q: What is your Sunday mantra?
A: I'm not sure that I have one, other than to be without an agenda. Sundays are about living in the moment. Whatever feels fun or exciting, that's what I'm doing.

Q: What’s your go-to breakfast/brunch?
A: I'm such a huge fan of brunch - I miss going out for brunch right now! My go-to brunch meal: country potatoes, over medium eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

Q: Do you give yourself any Sunday self-care treatments?
A: Going at a slower pace is a form of self-care for me because I'm a very future-focused person by nature. During normal times, going to church, out for Sunday brunch, getting a pedicure... those were all some of my favorite Sunday self-care things.

Q: What song is a good representation of your Sunday?
Haha "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars.

Q: How has your Sunday routine changed over the years?
A: I feel like it changes by the week because it's so dependent on how I'm feeling that day and what's happening in my life. My Sunday routine is really about NOT having a routine. Getting out of my head and going with the flow.

Q: Do you exercise?
A: Not as much as I should, but doesn't everyone say that? I actually used to be a huge fitness enthusiast. My degree is in exercise science (which is funny because my professional career has always been in marketing), so I used to lift weights six days a week and the gym was my playground. I lost my passion for that in recent years and I'm still trying to get it back. The truth is, my health took a major backseat when I started my business. When I go all-in on something, I'm VERY focused and it's easy for me to get tunnel vision. It's always created huge momentum for me in whatever has my attention at the moment, but naturally, other parts of my life will suffer. I'm slowly getting back into exercising and just trying to find ways to be active that are fun and not forcing my body to do any one thing. Right now, I'm really enjoying long walks with my boyfriend and dog.

Q: Do you like to spend your Sunday alone or with family/friends?
A: I enjoy spending it with my boyfriend. We kind of do our own thing most of the day, but it's just a comforting presence for both of us to know the other person is there if we want to hang out.

Q: Do you use any apps or products for relaxation?
A: I love my jade roller and skincare products! No apps though - I know there are great apps out there for meditation and relaxation, but I almost feel like anything that relies on you using your phone is almost counterintuitive for true relaxation. Unplugging is my favorite thing - if I can leave my phone alone for most of the day, that's ideal.

Q: What is your ideal bedtime?
A: I never want the days to end - I love sleeping in, but I hate going to sleep. My ideal bedtime is probably 10:30, but I usually end up going to sleep closer to midnight.

Q: What are some of your favorite Sunday activities?
A: Reading, shopping, napping, binge-watching a new show, board games, walks, etc.

Q: How do you prepare for the week ahead?

A: I always do a massive brain dump in my journal on Sunday evenings. I like to just get everything in my head out on paper and then pick what I want to focus on in the week ahead. It helps me to clear my brain and visualize how I want to prioritize my time - I highly recommend this exercise.