The Sunday Sanctuary With Marigo Mihalos

A weekly series that profiles the most fabulous, hard-working, 24/7 hustlers, and how they spend their Sundays.

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For years and years, I had heard of this prophecy woman “MARIGO,” that knows everyone and I was so grateful to eventually become connected to her through work and one of our very close mutual OG publicist friends Jacqueline Giaccio (**her Sunday Routine to come soon!)

For those that haven’t met her yet, Marigo Mihalos serves as the Senior Director of Talent Relations at SiriusXM and is the BOSS that books your favorite film and television stars across all talk and entertainment channels.  She is that gorgeous woman in the studio with JLO, Mark Wahlberg, Eddie Redmayne, Jon Hamm and every other celebrity guest that comes into the SIRIUS XM headquarters.

After spending three years as a freelance publicist while being a full-time college student, she launched her own boutique public relations firm in her early 20s. Her firm, MSM Public Relations, focused on clients in the fashion, entertainment and lifestyle sectors, and secured press in major outlets.

Never content to settle for one type of success, this fitness queen landed a job as a celebrity talent booker for a number of daytime TV shows including The Wendy Williams Show, Bethenny, and The Meredith Vieira Show. She has also consulted on projects for Lionsgate's Television Division.

In addition to her career accomplishments, she is also extremely active in the Greek community and was recognized by the Greek America Foundation in 2018, named  40 Under 40!  I especially love that family is so important to her, and if she is in your corner, you know you will forever be protected.  Here is how Marigo spends her Sundays!

Q: What time do you wake up?

A: I probably should sleep in… sleep in? I don’t even know what that means? I try to make sure on Sundays I am up between 8am and 9am. 

Q: What is your morning routine (specifically the first 15)

A: Im guilty, but yes, I reach for my phone. The group text messages go all night, and I have anxiety knowing 250 plus messages are waiting to be read. Plus emails...and yes, I check my To-Do List. I am that OCD VIRGO that will wake up in the middle of the night to add things to my To-Do List, or yes even vacuum.

Q: What is your Sunday mantra?

A: We are living in crazy times, I just want to do what makes me feel good. I have a hard time relaxing, I think if you put 50 people in a room (Pre-Covid) they would all agree that I am always moving. I pray a lot, I also bless my house on Sundays, and I start the day very thankful and grateful. Most Sundays I go to Church, its very healing for me, puts me at ease and provides me with a sense of wholeness, I cant explain it. My faith is a very big part of my life, and with it you can move mountains, without it… life won’t get any easier.

Q: What’s your go to breakfast/brunch?

A: I wake up every morning and make celery juice.. After celery juice, I make my coffee.. I am the MUG QUEEN, I live for a good mug that sets the tone and puts me in a good mood.

Breakfast is usually a good old fashioned Mediterranean Greek Breakfast, Egg Whites, Fresh Tomatoes, Avocado and Basil, bathed, yes bathed in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Oregano and Red Chili Flakes. And cant forget the feta!!! I try to stay away from dairy, but on Sunday’s, go big or go home!

Q: Do you give yourself any Sunday self-care treatments?

A: I love a good face mask or a great hot oil treatment for my hair. Also my infrared sauna gives me life, so that is a MUST on SUNDAYS! Sweat out all the bad, and let in all the good. I think Covid has really made us realize that we have to detach ourselves from things and people that are no longer serving us.

Q: What song is a good representation of your Sunday?

A: My Alexa and I have become GREAT friends. I am usually playing Pitbull’s Globalization on SIRIUSXM all day long. It gets me energized. But if I had to say a song, I think I would go with Volare by the Gypsy Kings.

Q: How has your Sunday routine changed over the years?

A: Over the years I have taken on the title of the “Chaos Coordinator,” I just love bringing everyone together and having the best time. Lets just say we had a solid brunch gang going, but now any chance to stay home and be in my sweats I AM HERE FOR IT! The joys of adulting! I really enjoy my new home, and if I can be here, here is where I want to be!

Q: Do you exercise?

A: I can’t live without exercise. Its the only thing that keeps me going. Look good feel good! It helps my anxiety, my nerves and it really allows me to challenge myself. You are only as good as you were the day before. Ive also learned that rest is NECESSARY. But Sundays I get on the treadmill, or I opt for Hot Yoga or Pilates. 

Q: Do you like to spend your Sunday alone or with family/friends?

A: Im a true Virgo, we LOVE our alone time, but my life would be NOTHING without the family! I have been blessed to have and the friends that are my chosen family, so yes friends and family all day, everyday! 

Q: Do you use any apps or products for relaxation?

A: I think my infrared sauna was one of the best investments I made pre covid. Also I have been reading a TON and I have recently got into essential oils thanks to my friend DeAnna.

Q: What is your ideal bedtime?

A: If I could? 8pm? But that doesn’t happen. I am usually in bed between 10pm and 11pm. Pre - covid I was up at 5am to workout every morning. I can not function without at least 6-7 hours of sleep.

Q: What are some of your favorite Sunday activities?

A: Cleaning, organizing, and catching up on all my shows! 

Q: How do you prepare for the week ahead?

A: To-Do Lists are key, I try to get on email Sunday night and prioritize and schedule appts, meetings, calls, workouts, etc. I still have an actual planner, yes one that you write in. So I go over my week in my book and add anything new. If I don’t see it written down, its not happening! Me and technology don’t mix. I am old school through and through, and I wouldn’t change that for the world!