The Sunday Sanctuary With Yazmin Ramos

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A weekly series that profiles the most fabulous, hard-working, 24/7 hustlers, and how they spend their Sundays.

This week’s Sunday Sanctuary belongs to Emmy-Nominated, television producer, show host and CEO of Spicy Christians, Yazmin Ramos, A.K.A. Jazzolina.  Since meeting her a few years back at one of her Polished Angels events, there was an infectious quality about her that made her stand out from the rest. Her heart is so big and I’m in awe at how she gives back to others in need.

 Hailing from the Bronx, Yazmin has been a member of the television production community for over fifteen years. She began as a field producer for BET, where she has traveled to cover red carpet events, exclusive parties and press junkets to interview the likes of Beyoncé, P. Diddy, Queen Latifah, Taraji P Henson, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Tyra Banks and many more. 

After an amazing four year run with the pinnacle of Black entertainment, she landed a position as a production assistant for the Wendy Williams Show, where she has been working her way to the top for the past ten years. She now holds the title of Senior Producer for the show.  I love working with her because her attention to detail is par to none.

 Back to where we met- in 2013, Yaz started her non-profit, Polished Angels, after providing manicures for the residents of a nursing home.  Since then, she continues to provide these services to numerous homes and female shelters. As a result of her hard work, she has been featured on Good Morning America as well as Spectrum News NY1 for their ‘New Yorker of the Week.’

 In January of 2018, Yazmin decided to take her career to the next level with the brave decision to launch her very own production company, appropriately labeled, Jazzolina Productions.  Here Yazmin will be showcasing how Christians combat daily trials while maneuvering throughout life. She’s kicking it all off with her new YouTube series Faith Works! Continue to stay tuned to witness and partake in all the incredible things she will be doing in the future.  She will not be stopped and it has been amazing to see all she has done and conquered throughout our friendship.

Q: What time do you wake up or does the alarm go off?

A: My body is automatically programmed to wake up at 5am, but I still set my alarm just in case.  The best part about my alarm is when it goes off it says “Thank you Jesus” from a song called “Rain” by Ernest Pugh. I believe waking up every morning is a gift that we should never take for granted. 

Q: What is your morning routine (specifically the first 15)

A: My favorite time of day is the morning. I'm a morning person! I love grand rising. My routine consists of prayer, watering my plants, watching the news, cooking breakfast and a nice tall glass of cold OJ.  No coffee.  If you're trying to get on my good side, make sure the OJ is mixed with mango ;-)

Q: What is your Sunday mantra?

A: Praying and communicating with God.  There's something about Sunday that makes me feel holy and more connected with the Lord.  

Q: What’s your go to breakfast/brunch?

A: Avocado toast. Thinking about it is making me hungry. I love avocados.  I can eat avocados all day long, but make sure they're ripe.  

Q: Do you give yourself any Sunday self-care treatments?

A:  Honestly, my self-care treatment on Sundays are relaxing, visiting my family and attending a virtual church service.  Sunday's are for decompressing.  

Q: What song is a good representation of your Sunday?

A: Hmmm that depends on my mood, but if I had to pick a song it would be “Encourage Yourself” by The Tri-City singers. 

Q: How has your Sunday routine changed over the years?

A: Well, I used to go to church every Sunday.  Now I don't for various reasons. One being the pandemic. 

Q: Do you exercise?

A: Yes I exercise, but I complain about it on my way to the gym. Then when I get to the gym I feel motivated! There's something therapeutic about sweating.  

Q: Do you like to spend your Sunday alone or with family/friends?

A: It varies. Some Sunday's I want to stay home, eat and do laundry and NOT do my hair.  Then there are some Sunday's when I crave family time. 

Q: Do you use any apps or products for relaxation?

A: I love diffusers because I love the smell of essential oils.  It relaxes me. 

Q: What is your ideal bedtime?

A: Ugh, as I get older I find myself going to bed earlier.  Sometimes I'm in bed by 8pm. I know crazy! LOL

Q: What are some of your favorite Sunday activities?

A: My favorite Sunday activity is brainstorming ideas for my company, Spicy Christians. I come up with a lot of the phrases for the graphic tees that I sell on Sunday's. I also put together my Spicy Sunday Deals for my customers , so they can find a tee that fits their budget. 

Q: How do you prepare for the week ahead?

A: I love a checklist.  I write down all the things I need to do for the week ahead and I get so excited when I check things off. This keeps me organized.